Apps > Free Apps > Weather

Price: Free

Category: Weather

Updated: Feb 01, 2011

Version: 1.2.1

Size: 8.7 MB

Language: English

Seller: Shine Technologies

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(62 Ratings)

All Versions

(769 Ratings)

Skeptical Science by Shine Technologies

Skeptical Science Screenshots


Ever heard someone claim Global Warming isn't happening? Did their explanation seem wrong but you didn't know why?

Skeptical Science helps you find out what the peer reviewed science has to say about global warming. The easy navigation by skeptical argument allows you to take a statement and find out for yourself whether it is based on credible science or not.

Skeptical Science allows you to:
- learn more about the science of global warming
- respond to statements by skeptics with hard science

Skeptical Science also allows you to report when you have heard a particular skeptical argument. Your information is used to keep track of what arguments are 'flaring up' all across the world.

This application works offline, and regularly synchronises information from

What's New in Version 1.2.1

Thanks for all your feedback, and 2011 brings a few new features:

Version 1.2.0:
- news items from Skeptical Science
- full Retina display support on iPhone 4
- remembers where you were last time you were in the app
- fix for tweeting to support new authentication method
- better image viewing

Version 1.2.1:
-Better formatting of News items

Keep the feedback coming and don't forget to click 'I Heard' when a topic comes up and to tweet articles you think people should hear about!

Customer Reviews

Ignorant Rube Massacree (5 stars)
Awesome app for having discussions with the ignorant rubes who deny global warming science (also known as talking to a wall, as that's about the depth of their intellect; and I know that's an the wall!).
The ignorant rube group includes many of the one star ratings, except possibly for those complaining that the most recent version won't start, which is actually true if it was installed over an older version. To fix that, si

Simple and Informative (5 stars)
Scientific citations and language that is easy to follow make this app awesome. Also, love the news feature. You rock, Skeptical Science!

This app is a treasure-chest! (5 stars)
I love it but don't get to use it much with others. However, being more of a thinker than a believer, I like to have real research to explain what is going on in the environment.

Can we please stop all the tv news people from announcing the end of climate change after every snowstorm?

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