Apps > Paid Apps > News

VF Innovation

January 19th, 2012

Price: $2.99

Category: News

Updated: Jan 19, 2012

Version: 1.2

Size: 9.3 MB

Language: English

Seller: Michael Murray

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(16 Ratings)

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(45 Ratings)

Candidates by VF Innovation

Candidates Screenshots


Poll Results from over 15,000 Users!

Quickly and easily find the right Presidential Candidate for you. Match your opinions on the important issues facing this country and discover which presidential hopeful mirrors your views. Then Vote Smarter!

Through a series of questions, Candidates matches your views with the Republican, Democratic and independent candidates running. You are also able to grade the importance of each issue and have that factored in as well. Instantly, your ideal candidates will appear.

Not sure how to answer a question? Each question contains links to research articles about the topic so you can learn more. Still cant decide? You can skip that one, and it wont impact your candidate scores.

From the results page, you can easily research more about each candidate matching your profile. Candidates gives you links to all the websites, research pages and social media outlets about each candidate so you can learn more about your new favorite candidates.

View Polls showing how other "Candidates" users answered each of the same questions. See which candidates most people are agreeing with in the Results Poll.

Are you registered to vote? Candidates makes it easier for you register and choose your candidate. With links to information and applications, specific to your state, youll be ready for Election Day.

The primaries are heating up and this could be a close election. Getting involved in your candidates campaign is the best way to support the causes you both agree on. Candidates provides you with information about how you can get involved in each campaign.

Candidates saves your results so you can repeat the quiz as many times as you like, share it with your friends, and see their results without worrying about losing yours.

What's New in Version 1.2

-Re-enabled support for iOS 4.0+
-Fixed issues with running in compatibility mode on iPad
-Shortened load time for calculating results

Customer Reviews

Cool app! (5 stars)
Awesome all-in-one app about where everyone stands on the issues.

Very good (5 stars)

Great (4 stars)
Nice links to the candidates

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