Apps > Free Apps > Medical

Price: Free

Category: Medical

Released: May 05, 2009

Version: 1.0

Size: 5.3 MB

Language: English

Seller: Unitron Hearing Limited

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(8821 Ratings)

uHear by Unitron Hearing Limited

uHear Screenshots


Hearing Loss Myth: Hearing loss affects only "old people" and is merely a sign of aging.

Actually it is the reverse of what most people think. The majority (65%) of people with hearing loss are younger than age 65. There are more than six million people in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 44 with hearing loss, and nearly one and a half million are school age. Hearing loss affects all age groups.

uHear is a hearing loss screening test which allows you to test your hearing to determine if it is within normal range, or if you have a potential hearing loss.

uHear lets you assess your hearing on any one or all three of these tests:

1. Hearing Sensitivity is used to determine the quietest sounds you can hear.

2. Speech in Noise is a measurement of your ability to understand speech in the presence of noise.

3. Questionnaire is a series of twelve questions regarding your performance in common listening situations.

If you do suspect a hearing loss, please seek the advice of a professional.

uHear was designed by Donald Hayes, Ph.D. Director of Audiology for Unitron Hearing.

Test yourself! Test your friends! Test your kids! Test your parents!

Customer Reviews

Great app! Well worth getting. (5 stars)
I've had expensive hearing tests before and this app seems to give the exact same test the doctor's gave, with results very close to the same I got from them. I highly recommend for people that listen to loud music or turn their xbox headsets up too loud and listen to screaming teenagers.

Cool app but don't get over excited (5 stars)
I read others review of the app. I had heard that Unitron had made this and it looks cool and seems to work cool but it is NOT a Hearing Evaluation. I am an Audiologist, trust me on this one boys. Now I can see the application but Unitron did not create it to be a full hearing test. Dr. Young

This rocks (5 stars)
Great app. Everyone I show wants a hearing test.

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